People depend on first responders to keep communities safe and to intervene quickly and effectively when emergencies arise. Your team needs quality equipment and expert upgrades to provide the best service possible.

You’ll need to evaluate and upgrade all the equipment your team uses regularly. But this is only the first step. Ensuring all your equipment is expertly installed, maintained, and protected is just as essential. There are several things you should know about upgrading first responder equipment. 

What Equipment Do First Responders Need?

There is general equipment that nearly every type of emergency vehicle and first responder will need. Law enforcement, firefighters, and EMS providers will all need easy access to the following:

  • Tactical Trauma Kit: These kits are not regular doctor bags but contain items specifically designed to address medical trauma. They include tourniquets, injury sealant, wound disinfectant, suction and intubation equipment, gloves and masks, and diagnostic tools. 
  • Communication Equipment: Your vehicles and responders may need two-way radios, paging systems, and mobile devices. Communication equipment may need to be carried on each individual or secured to a car.
  • External and Internal Lighting: Emergency vehicle lighting is essential for all first responder vehicles. Portable lighting is just as important. Your team may need streetlights, spotlights, and right-angle lights to cut through the smoke.
  • Protective Gear and Wearables: This would include tactical vests, gloves, body armor, and bulletproof vests. Firefighter wearables include bunker or turnout gear with specialized biosensors and fitness trackers.
  • Cameras: Many law enforcement officers, EMS providers, and firefighters use body and POV Cameras.

What Do You Need to Know About Upgrading First Responder Equipment?

Several questions must be asked and considered before making any upgrades. The following is a step-by-step checklist for upgrading first responder equipment.

Have I Tested Existing Equipment?

The first step in upgrading first responder equipment is to inventory the existing equipment. Many first responder teams probably already conduct regular rig checks, and testing equipment before an upgrade will likely include more thorough testing.

Start by checking all expiration dates. When testing equipment, follow all state and federal guidelines for equipment use. Go beyond a visual check. Make sure items are turned on. Any medications or liquid items must be checked visually for foul odors.

An essential part of testing equipment involves how easily accessible each piece is. Can first responders easily find it? Unlatch it? Set it up? Even if the equipment is working correctly, you may find that your current set-up needs to be reorganized. Include all technology and communication devices in an equipment check.

Some items may still be serviceable, while others must be repaired or updated. After completing testing, you’ll be able to assess your needs better. Make a final list of each piece of equipment that needs upgrading.

Have I Calculated the Expense of Upgrading Devices? 

After deciding which equipment needs upgrading, you should plan a budget immediately. 

  • Evaluate Your Budget: What is your current budget? If you have to wait a few months for the next fiscal year, what items can stay and must be upgraded immediately? Prioritize the most essential equipment upgrades.
  • Work With the Best Company: Research companies that provide first responder equipment and upgrades. Finding the cheapest company is not always the best. You’ll want an experienced organization that provides quality upgrades and warranties to back up their work. Affordability, reliability, and quality should all be considered when selecting the best service provider.

Am I Keeping Up With Advancing Technology?

Technology is continually improving. It’s imperative to select equipment that won’t quickly become outdated. When upgrading to new technology, you’ll want to check if new equipment is compatible with older equipment. Some of the latest advancements in first responder devices include the following:

  • C-THRU: The Navigator is a lightweight, hands-free camera with AI-powered enhanced vision that helps firefighters and other first responders work in smoke-filled areas.
  • Mobile Data Devices: Law Enforcement and other first responders rely on mobile data devices to quickly access information and collaborate with other responders and agencies. Some of these devices, such as laptops, need secure mounts.
  • Remote Diagnostics: Telemedicine is not just for doctor appointments but is also a tool for medical first responders. Providing expert care during transport via remote diagnostics is crucial for successful outcomes. This requires ensuring that all emergency medical vehicles have the latest equipment installed.

Am I Providing Training When Upgrading Devices?

It’s necessary to keep up with the latest trends and technological advances. This means you’ll likely need to provide the required training for your team when purchasing and installing new equipment. You’ll need to keep this in mind when creating a budget.

Upgrading first responder equipment may also mean updating guidelines and manuals after upgrades are completed. Purchasing, installing, and training all personnel on new equipment may take several weeks or months. Preparing and planning are essential to ensure your team is always prepared for the job.

Am I Storing Equipment Properly?

You’ll want all equipment stored correctly, easily accessible, and safe from the elements and potential theft.

Upgraded equipment may be larger, smaller, or completely different from previous equipment. You’ll need to consider equipment trays and other mounting systems.

If your vehicles don’t have enough space to store all your equipment correctly, you may also need upgrades in this area. You can add necessary space with cargo carriers.

Why Choose TCS Upfitting?

TCS Upfitting is an experienced service provider that can provide your team with high-quality products and expert service. We can build storage systems and upgrades for equipment built to each customer’s specifications.

TCS is a complete fitting company. We provide exceptional customer service, extensive product selection, and a lifetime warranty on all our work. We can provide police, fire, and medical equipment upgrades you can depend on to complete the job. Contact us at TCS Upfitting today to learn more.